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Frequently Asked Questions Frequently Asked Questions



What is iConnect?

iConnect is a portal that provides one-stop access to all core systems at MWCC. It offers a personalized experience, delivering content that applies specifically to you.

What is a portal?

A portal is a website that brings all relevant websites and information into one location. iConnect is a portal which uses Single Sign-on technology to provide seamless access to systems such as Blackboard, WebConnect, and E-mail.

Who can access iConnect?

All students with an active account
New students
Faculty and Staff

When is iConnect available?

iConnect is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week from any computer with an internet connection.

What security issues do I need to be concerned with when using iConnect?

Using the portal requires you to log-in to gain access. It is equally important to log-off from iConnect when you end your session on the computer. There is an automatic log-off triggered  to end the single sign on session (default page expiration time is 30 minutes)

Privacy Concerns with Shared Computers
For users who access the portal on computers that are shared with others, logging out and clearing browser information is critical to fully ensure privacy.

To clear data in Edge:
Click here

To clear data in Firefox:
Click here

To clear data in Safari:
Click here

To clear data in Chrome:
Click here

Where can I make suggestions or provide feedback on iConnect?

We encourage and welcome your feedback or suggestions. iConnect has its own feedback form that goes directly to MWCC. First, log in. Then, in the top navigation bar, mouse-over "Help", then click "Send us Feedback" and complete the form.

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